Clarksville, IN — Clarksville Fire Chief Ken Conklin said that they have received more than 200 calls on carbon monoxide alarms going off.They said they will continue to monitor the situation and will return to emergency operations if needed. Residents are still encouraged to check to make sure their carbon monoxide detectors are operating, and checking on their neighbors.

It started around 3 a.m. Saturday morning when firefighters responded to a call of two residents in south Clarksville experiencing chest pains.

From that time, they responded to nearly two dozen calls of residents experiencing the effects of carbon monoxide. So far, at least four people have been transported to local hospitals.

The issue was so severe that an emergency command center had to be set up at the fire department’s headquarters.

Clarksville emergency officials are working with CenterPoint Energy to determine the cause of the problem.

“We are also very concerned for residents who may not even have a carbon monoxide detector in their home,” said Clarksville Fire Chief Brandon Skaggs. “That’s why we are asking everyone in Clarksville to check on their neighbors to make sure they are aware of the issue, and that their CO detectors are operating correctly.”

Symptoms of overexposure to carbon monoxide include chest pains, headache, fatigue, light-headedness, dizziness, nausea and unconsciousness.

Anyone experiencing these symptoms is advised to call 911 immediately.

Affected homes in Clarksville are having their gas shut off by the fire department with residents being sent to the homes of family or friends.

Those without a place to go are being sent to Clarksville Middle School as an emergency shelter.

The New Albany Fire Department also confirmed that they, too, are experiencing several calls for carbon monoxide alarms going off. They did not say there were any hospitalizations due to it at this time.

Clarksville Fire Department officials are still working to determine the cause of the carbon monoxide issues.

Later on Saturday, Fire Chief Brandon Skaggs said the number of calls related to this incident had dropped dramatically and that they were ending their emergency status and returning to normal operations.